English Nanwang Classification
allpia adj
blackuɖeɖem adj
cold talingting adj
correct, truepawa adj
dirtydursi adj
dirtymiakiʈar adj
dirtyrikesikesis adj
dry linek adj
dull, bluntiɖeɭan adj
greenmiraqat adj
heavyaɭuɖun adj
lefttarawili adj
long beɭakas adj
narrowlignuʈ adj
painful, sicknana adj
redmidarang adj
righttarawalan adj
smallmakiteng adj
thick kaʈebe adj
thin salesal adj
wetdareken adj
whiteburenan adj
wideɖekan adj
yellowmaɭuɭu adj
yellowmiɭanang adj
andaw conj
handɭima noun
leg/footkukuɖ noun
road/pathdaran noun
dustʈumbul noun
skinɭubiʈ noun
bellytial noun
boneukak noun
intestinesʈinaqi noun
liverrami noun
breastsusu noun
shoulderqiab noun
blooddamuk noun
headʈangeru noun
neckniqen noun
hair arbu noun
nosetingran noun
mouthindan noun
toothwali noun
tonguesema noun
earʈangiɭa noun
eyemaʈa noun
person/human beingʈaw noun
man/malemaqinayan noun
woman/femalebabayan noun
childwalak noun
husbandkataguin noun
wifekataguin noun
motherina noun
mothertaina noun
fatherama noun
houseruma noun
thatch/roofsaqub noun
needledaqum noun
stick/woodkawi noun
dogsuan noun
birdayam noun
eggbiʈunun noun
feathergumul noun
wingpakpak noun
ratkurabaw noun
meat/fleshpataka noun
fat/greaseimar noun
tailɭudus noun
snakeunan noun
worm (earthworm)uɭeɖ noun
louse kuʈu noun
spiderkamangkamang noun
spiderburalawat noun
fishkuraw noun
branch saqaɖ noun
leafbira noun
rootrami noun
flowerqapuʈ noun
fruitbua noun
grassʈaɭun noun
earth/soildare noun
earth/soillipa noun
stonebarasa noun
stonerasa noun
stoneratung noun
sandbuʈek noun
water enai noun
saltyam noun
woods/forestkawikawi noun
woods/forestʈaɭuʈaɭun noun
skyɭangiʈ noun
moonbuɭan noun
starʈiqur noun
cloud kuʈem noun
fogkuʈikuʈ noun
fogmeɭebɭeb noun
rainqudal noun
thunderɖerung noun
lightningʈeli noun
windbaɭi noun
warm bias noun
fireapue noun
fireasi noun
smoke aseban noun
ashabu noun
nightsungan noun
daywari noun
yearami noun
Iku noun
thouyu noun
he/shetaitaw noun
we ta noun
we mi noun
youmu noun
One sa num
Two ɖua num
Three teɭu num
Four pat num
Five ɭima num
Six qnem num
Seven pitu num
Eight waɭu num
Nine siwa num
Ten puɭu num
Twenty maka-petaqan num
One Hundredsaɭeman num
One Thousandsa kuɖul num
in, insideabak prep
abovemakasat prep
belowmakadare prep
to walkkemakawang verb
to comeɖua verb
to comeaɭamo verb
to swimlangue verb
to know, be knowledgeablesaigu verb
to thinkkemianger verb
to breathemengaɖ verb
to sniff, smellʈaul verb
to laughsaqeru verb
to crymaʈangis verb
to vomitɖelia verb
to spittemama verb
to eatkan verb
to chew meleqeɭ verb
to cook deru verb
to drinktekeɭ verb
to sucksipsip verb
to seenaqu verb
to yawnmaiyai verb
to sleepalepe verb
to dreamtia verb
to sitaungidi verb
to sittengaɖ verb
to sayka verb
to tie up, fastentemiɭu verb
to hunt qalup verb
to shoot kemuang verb
to hit tengeɖ verb
to stealʈakaw verb
to die, be deadminatai verb
to cut, hack ɭeteɭet verb
to work karun verb
to swell benare verb
to squeeze reqre verb
to hold qtemer verb
to hold kaper verb
to digkerut verb
to buyʈima verb
to open, uncoverʈuwal verb
to pound, beattuktuk verb
to throw tapias verb
to fall utani verb
to flybiqi verb
to flowmuɭuɖun verb
to blow maput verb
to burn suru verb
to hide lased verb
to hide qulek verb
to climb kuaɭuai verb
to countaqaip verb
where? isua 
back paɖek   
when? asua   
what? amanai   
who? imanai   
how? kemudakuda